About Us

VISASNEWS is a news site operated by SERVINCO (Industrial and Commercial Services*), which has been dedicated exclusively since 1993 to providing information on travel formalities abroad, visa and e-visa services, as well as document legalizations.

All of our sources come from foreign ministries, embassies, and consulates where VisasNews is represented daily.

VisasNews collaborates in its field with numerous partners targeting travel professionals, such as TourMaG, and also aims at the general public, with news features from the Guide du Routard and Tourdumondiste. Major general media outlets, like Le Figaro Voyage, also rely on VisasNews.

Who uses VisasNews?

  • Individuals planning to travel (for tourism, family visits, work, etc.)
  • Travel agencies and visa agencies
  • Companies sending employees on assignments
  • Mainstream and professional media

Feel free to subscribe to our newsletter to stay updated on all the latest news about travel formalities abroad, or ask us your questions in the comments of our articles or on our social media platforms.

Director of Publications: Nicolas Le Page

Contact: contact@visasnews.com